Tuesday, May 13, 2014


 These are pictures of my pet guinea-pig named Rhino.
 Rhino has a lot of nicknames like: Bubba, Thing, Chubster, Bubbes, and Ding.
 I got him at the Salt Lake County Humane Society.  He is very mild-mannered pig.  Mild-mannered means that he just sits there and does not bite or do anything except eat. 
He died recently-- on Sunday.

Written by Joseph Brower

Monday, May 12, 2014

Lunar Eclipse

These pictures are from the lunar eclipse on its first stages in April 14 and 15.  My mom, dad, and I stayed up until 2:00 in the morning  looking at the moon.  I took the pictures with a $100 camera and $300 telescope.  It was cool to see the moon turn red. My sisters went to bed before things happened. 

Written by Joseph Brower

January 2013

My family had lots of snow in Jauary 2013.
It was over a foot.  I helped my dad shovel snow. 
My back and arms were sore after that.
One funny thing was that the bird feeder was covered with snow except for a small opening.
The birds were still able to eat, but under a foot of snow. 

Written by Joseph Brower